geek-y (adj.): 1. a person often of an intellectual bent who is disliked; 2. an enthusiast or expert especially in a technological field or activity

gaunt-let (n): 1. a glove worn with medieval armor to protect the hand; 2. an open challenge (as to combat)–used in phrases like throw down the gauntlet

Welcome to the Geeky Gauntlet! We’re amateurs, infant explorers of literature, digging ourselves out of ignorance, each annotation a claw at the dense layers of unoriginality, each original thought a pinprick of redeeming light through the dirt and decay…

Oh and also, I’m a college student studying neurobiology with many interests outside of science. This blog is my way of keeping the fires of my love for fiction alive and raging. I read mostly science fiction, fantasy, horror/thriller, and magical realism, as these genres most tickle my fancy. In addition to books, my interests (and post topics) range from metal to backpacking to research to reflection.